As voice actors, who had both hired assistants, and been hired to assist other voice actors, people asked us lots of questions about outsourcing strategies or how to create a supplemental income stream as a VA. This is what started it all! 

In 2021, we decided to get serious and put together a platform where people who are interested in being a VA and those looking to hire one, but don’t know where to start, can learn how to do it right. And VA For VO was born.

Education, connection, community. There’s a lot of that in the artist industry world, but not a lot in the voiceover ADJACENT world. We want to change that. Come be a part of it.


Look up hard-working voice over entrepreneurs in the dictionary, and you’ll likely find a description of Brigid Reale. For more than a decade, this Emmy award-winning voice actor and founder of Reale Voices has cultivated her career from mere aspiration to thriving voiceover business. She has lent her talents to some of the top brands across the globe. 

If there is one thing Brigid has learned in her short tenure in the industry, it is that building genuine, trustworthy relationships through authenticity is the secret sauce for a successful career in voice over. As both a voiceover artist and coach, she regularly shares her knowledge with the VO community, from veterans to beginners, helping them understand and navigate the creative world of business and marketing. 

Naturally, this led Brigid to partner with Miranda and Lynn to create a new educational and opportunity platform for voice actors who want to add streams of income to their small businesses by being a voiceover adjacent resource provider. Brigid can’t wait to see how our members grow!


Lynn Norris is a full-time working SOVAS award-winning voice actor, who has been the CEO/COO/Chief cook and bottle washer of her own voice over business for more than 5 years. After a long career outside of voiceover in the fintech space, where it was her primary responsibility to explain business requirements to software developers and development features and limitations to business stakeholders, Lynn believes strongly in “teaching you to fish”. 

In addition to voicing for clients, Lynn also provides voiceover adjacent services to other voice actors as a copywriter and audio editor.  And she’s becoming a regular presenter for voice over workout groups, organizations and conferences, teaching business skills and writing to other voiceover artists. 

So it was an easy decision to partner with Brigid and Miranda to create VA For VO – an education and resource community within the VO industry. Lynn’s very excited to help aspiring voiceover adjacent resource providers learn skills and connect with other VO professionals to grow that part of their entrepreneurial pursuits.